Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Petitions and More, December 12

https://www1.president.go.kr/petitions/63440  It requires 200,000 signatures within 30 days in order for them to respond. So we don’t have a lot of time. Please sign and share everywhere. Thank you! Click below the 3 links under the Korean text, login with 1) Facebook or 2) Twitter , post your comment, click on the Korean text (blue), signed!
https://savekoreandogs.soidog.org/campaign/savekoreandogs/sign We need 2 million signatures on this very important petition. John Dalley of Soi Dog and Nami Kim of SaveKoreanDogs.org will be delivering it personally to Dr. Pyo Changwon at the press conference at the Korean National Assembly Building. Sign and share, please!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/PassHRes30/?fref=nf Scroll down for new retweets Pets Humanize us, Pls Help Protect Them by Retweeting for HR1406 !
https://act.americanwildhorsecampaign.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=25210 Once more. Please ask Congress to protect America's wild horses and burros!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/se-mobiliser-porter-plainte-contre-toutes/37058 France. Let’s mobilize to lodge a complaint against all animal tortures recognized as sentient beings. To confirm
https://www.peta.de/Schweinemast-Brandenburg#petition Animal cruelty in the Pig farm - stop the suffering in Brandenburg, Germany!
http://www.ad-international.org/conservation/go.php?id=4494&ssi=14 Have your say on the ivory trade in the UK! Instructions
https://support.peta.org/page/1370/action/1 Once more. Urgent: People Slit Animals' Throats and Drink Their Blood During Mexican Festival!
https://action.peta2.com/page/4135/action/1 Fodor's Travel, provide accurate information about animal-welfare issues, including the ways that elephants suffer in the tourism industry!
https://www.l214.com/stopcages/ Scroll down please. Stop the breeding of hens in cages in France
http://p2a.co/1rRJakD US-info. Reject clear-cut riders and protect the Tongass National Forest!
https://act.credoaction.com/sign/save-grand-canyon Needs more signatures. No uranium mining in the Grand Canyon!
https://engage.us.greenpeace.org/onlineactions/Gy3GFwO3Ck-aG8hmNWOelg2 Demand Coca-Cola end its reliance on single-use plastics
https://www.greenparty.ca/en/stop-sitec-2 The project will flood over 12,500 hectares of fertile farmland and sacred Indigenous territory in the Peace River valley. Protest!
https://www.change.org/p/419367/u/22121561 New Campaigns for “Boycott PyeongChang 2018” and more. Be the voice for the Korean animals today
https://www.change.org/p/ciudadanos-de-montevideo-me-votar%C3%ACas-para-proteger-de-veras-a-los-animales  Uruguay. Montevideo. Would you vote to really protect the animals?
https://www.change.org/p/municipalidad-de-puerto-madryn-que-los-municipios-censen-perras-y-su-personal-las-lleve-a-castrar Argentina.  Puerto Madryn. (Free) Spay and neuter programs for the abandoned, unwanted dogs!
https://www.change.org/p/save-the-grateful-paw Save The Grateful Paw Cat Shelter with 68 special cats in Huntington, NY! Will be evicted on Jan. 1st because the required paperwork with the IRS was not filed in time!
https://www.change.org/p/sindaco-di-monza-salviamo-i-due-cani-che-hanno-sventato-il-rapimento-di-un-bimbo Italy. Mayor of Monza: Save the 2 dogs who prevented the kidnapping of a child! 
https://www.change.org/p/agencia-metropolitana-de-control-justicia-para-coby  Ecuador. Calderon. Justice for Coby, run over; make drivers responsible for killing, wounding animals
https://www.change.org/p/sr-director-de-canal-sur-radio-y-televisi%C3%B3n-joaqu%C3%ADn-dur%C3%A1n-que-las-campanadas-de-canal-sur-no-las-d%C3%A9-un-torero Spain. Andalucia. Protest! The election of the bullfighter known as the Cordobés to broadcast the chimes on public television in Andalusia, Canal Sur, is in complete disregard of the growing public rejection of the mistreatment and animal torture of bullfighting!
https://www.change.org/p/regione-liberiamo-i-cani-dalle-catene-non-e-vita Italy. Mayor of Lipari, for an ordinance to ban dog chaining
https://www.change.org/p/spca-on-massacre-des-foetus-de-porc-et-des-grenouilles-pour-quelques-heures-de-dissection France. Use alternatives in the Quebec high schools and colleges, thousands of frogs and piglets are killed, just for a few hours of dissection!
https://www.change.org/p/eduardo-tassano-prohibir-el-uso-de-pirotecnia-en-la-ciudad-de-corrientes Argentina. Prohibit the use of pyrotechnics in the city of Corrientes
https://www.change.org/p/mr-macron-stopper-les-actes-de-cruaut%C3%A9s-en-france Stop the acts of cruelty in France (farmed animals), incomplete...
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/346/667/486/ Live Reindeer Don't Belong at Shopping Malls
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/146/999/595/ Water dispensers to be introduced in supermarkets to cut down the production of plastic bottles that are ending up in our oceans
                     ===========   News and more    ==========


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